Studio Build Artefact Watercolours by B.A.Zanditon

As the builders were excavating the old foundations of what had been a scullery to lay the new foundation for the studio, they began to find stuff. The first (and probably best) find was an intact glass bottle with stopper. Some of the items were clearly from this house – the earthenware fragments fit with what we know of the plumbing arrangements. It isn’t clear whether other items date from this house (a late Victorian – 1890s mid terrace) or from the housing that was here prior to this terrace’s being built.

Building Excavation 1
Delft fragments

Building Excavation 2
Ceramic Drain Fragment – fits the butler's sink in the yard

Building Excavation 3
Elliman's Universal Embrocation bottle – intact
Clear glass bottle with some damage on the side towards the base

Building Excavation 4
Fragments of brown/brown and cream pottery

Building Excavation 5
Delft fragment – shallow bowl/large saucer

Building Excavation 6
Cream and white pottery fragments

Building Excavation 7
Earthenware fragment – drain/sewer pipe

Building Excavation 8
Earthenware fragment, possibly a toilet bowl rim

Building Excavation 9
Oyster shells/fragments

Building Excavation 10
Stone/concrete wheel/base

Building Excavation Rubbing 1of Building Excavation 10
Wheel – Side A

Building Excavation Rubbing 2 of Building Excavation 10
Wheel – Side B

Building Excavation 11
Large fragment of slate/shale – possibly used as hard core.


© B.A.Zanditon 2020

Also see the slideshow of the construction work

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